The workgroup Health in Prisons (HiP) works for the promotion of health of prisoners and persons deprived of liberty. It conducts public health assessment in prisons , identifies assets and spreads awareness about the prevention of communicable and non communicable diseases. It also works to empower prisoner gain control on factors influencing their psychological well-being. It concerns mainly with prisoners subject to violence, prisoners with substance use disorders and other marginalized prisoners. HiP also studies work-related psycho-social hazards among prison workers in aim to promote health in prison.
- Occupational Stress among Prison Workers
- Work Ability among Prison Workers
- Exposure to Psycho-social Hazards in Prisons
- Evaluations of post-traumatic stress among prisoners exposed to torture
- Torture & Health among Women Political Prisoners
- Evaluations of interventions aimed at improving health of prisoners & prison workers.