The workgroup Health in Prisons (HiP) works for the promotion of health of prisoners and persons deprived of liberty. It conducts public health assessment in prisons , identifies assets and spreads awareness about the prevention of communicable and non communicable diseases. It also works to empower prisoner gain control on factors influencing their psychological well-being. It concerns mainly with prisoners subject to violence, prisoners with substance use disorders and other marginalized prisoners. HiP also studies work-related psycho-social hazards among prison workers in aim to promote health in prison.
- Occupational Stress among Prison Workers
- Work Ability among Prison Workers
- Exposure to Psycho-social Hazards in Prisons
- Evaluations of post-traumatic stress among prisoners exposed to torture
- Torture & Health among Women Political Prisoners
- Evaluations of interventions aimed at improving health of prisoners & prison workers.
Workgroup Items
Prevention of Blood-Borne Viruses in prisons
Draft coming soon!
Hygiene and communicable diseases in prisons
Draft coming soon!
Dental health in prisons
Dental health in prisons is designing an assessment of dental problems among prison inmates and a mapping of dental services in... [READ MORE]
Infection Control in Prison
Domain 1: Dental health in prisons Domain 2: Prevention of Blood-Borne Viruses in prisons Domain 3: Hygiene and communicable disease in... [READ MORE]
Psychosocial prison health
The central OPPH in SpainĀ has conducted several assessments about the psycho-social environments in prisons in Spain. Findings were published in influential... [READ MORE]
Violence and torture prevention
HiP of OPPH has conducted a health assessment of women prisoners exposed to torture three decades after their liberation. In collaboration... [READ MORE]