The workgroup Addiction & Drug Abuse (ADA) at OPPH works for the health promotion of persons who use drugs (PWUD) and the evaluation of strategies designed for the reduction of harms of drug abuse on the community.
The ADA workgroup of OPPH also studies the prevention of risks among PWUD or affected by drug use including HIV/AIDS individuals living with HIV/AIDS,.
The ADA workgroup also evaluates the implementation of harm reduction strategies including Opioid Substitution Therapy and the feasibility of Needle Syringe Program (NSP) implementation in the context of MENA region.
Workgroup Items
Access to sterile syringes at pharmacies
The project “Access to sterile syringes at pharmacies” comes under the “Pharmacies and Harm Reduction” and aims to enhance the role... [READ MORE]
Pharmacies and Harm Reduction
The theme “Pharmacies and Harm Reduction” has several projects. Pharmacies and access to sterile SyringesPharmacies and opioid substitution treatmentPharmacies and counseling... [READ MORE]
Drug Policy
The Addiction and Drug Abuse (ADA) work group aims at evaluating the implementation of drug policies in the MENA region to... [READ MORE]
Effectiveness of OST on users psycho-social health
The Addiction and Drug Abuse (ADA) work group has conducted the first outcome evaluation of Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) in Lebanon.... [READ MORE]
Users opinion on challenges during therapy
OPPH has conducted a qualitative assessment on users’ perspectives on the challenges they face during their opioid substitution treatment. Results are... [READ MORE]
Relation with healthcare providers
Opioid substitution therapy: users perspective about treatment and relation with health care providers.
Opioid Substitution Therapy
The Addiction and Drug Abuse (ADA) work group has conducted the first outcome evaluation of Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) in Lebanon.... [READ MORE]