The Community Nutrition workgroup (CN) aims to support communities gain control over healthy nutrition choices in order to promote their health. It also aims to empower communities to construct evidence-based healthy policies for the prevention of obesity.
Workgroup Items
Nutrition Policies
The workgroup Nutrition Policies (NP) of OPPH aims to evaluate the feasibility of implementing evidence-based healthy nutrition policies in the context... [READ MORE]
Dietary Supplements & Health
In collaboration with the Lebanese University, OPPH conducted an assessment of the intake of dietary supplements and their side effects among... [READ MORE]
Online Breast-Feeding Support Groups as a Community Asset in Lebanon After Beirut Explosion
Results of the research study on online breastfeeding support groups after the Beirut explosion are published. Results showed that social media... [READ MORE]
Effects of Fasting on Athletes Performance
Results of the collaborative research project on fasting with the Medical University of Lodz, Department of Sports Medicine, are published. Results... [READ MORE]